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Property requirements

Ready to find your perfect Pfida home? Check out our property requirements before starting your search.

What properties do we finance?

We finance all freehold property types, as long as the property passes our survey and conveyancing checks.

We do not generally support:

Green tic Auction properties
Green tic Leasehold & share of freehold properties
Green tic Flats & properties in high-rise buildings
Green tic Non-standard construction properties
Green tic Properties requiring structural work or major maintenance
Green tic Properties less than 5 years old, or more than 80 years old

Don’t quite meet the criteria?

There may be some instances where we are not able to provide finance in areas where we already have a high concentration of properties.

We’re always willing to help make your home purchase possible, if you would like to talk to us about a specific property please get in touch with us and we’ll see how we can help.
Get in touch